Phyllis Schafly

The ERA & Women's Rights: PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY

Phyllis Schlafly was an important person who completely opposed the proposal of the Equal Rights Amendment. Using her Republican views to take stands against regulations such as the ERA was a main part of her political career.

During her lifetime, Phyllis did not support the ERA, so she founded many organizations such as “Stop ERA”, which later was renamed the “Eagle Forum”, and published the “Eagle Forum Newsletter” ( These groups were all created to make sure the ERA did not get ratified. Through the Eagle Forum, Phyllis was able to declare many reasons why supporting the passing of the Equal Rights Amendment would be a huge mistake. Beliefs that the ERA would overturn laws that benefit women, overturn restrictions on abortion, won’t fix gender wage gap, and won’t give women any more rights than they are already have are all reasons why people should be against the ERA. ​​​​​​​

Although there was also lots of support to get the ERA passed, Phyllis never gave up. She gave speeches along with interviews and conferences to persuade the public to take down the ratification of the ERA. Phyllis was a strong believer that her views were the best for a womans social life and didn’t apologize for her opposing beliefs. ​​​​​​​

“Phyllis Schlafly on women's role in society,” Digital Public Library of America,


"ERA means abortion funding, means homosexual privileges, means whatever else."

-Phyllis Schlafly 

August 25, 1999

Phyllis Schalfly does not apologize for her opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment. Even in 2007, when writing a piece for the Los Angeles Times, she said that the process of granting equality should not involve taking away the privileges that women have fought so hard to earn in the first place. ​​​​​​​

"The ERA: Still A Bad Idea" news article written by Phyllis Schlafly in 2007 LA Times paper
