Opposing ERA

The ERA & Women's Rights: OPPOSING THE ERA

While there were many reasons to support the passing of the Equal Rights Amendment, there was also plenty of reasons why one should oppose and go against the amendment as well. One of the major organizations that oppose the ERA is the Eagle Forum and one of the biggest anti-ERA campaigns was called STOP ERA, which were both founded by Phyllis Schlafly. Big takeaways from the organization’s reasoning behind their beliefs is that women’s privileges would be overturned and taken advantage of. Instead of working to create equality, many believe that it would actually deprive women of the protection they have from the current laws (https://www.thoughtco.com/stop-equal-rights-amendment-3528861). ​​​​​​​

Showing up in front of the White House showed how strong this activist group was and how far they would go to show that they mean business. It also shows just how much Phyllis had really done to impact so many people. https://www.loc.gov/resource/ds.00757/  

In order to pass the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, there must be 38 states that agree to pass it. Of the 50 total states, 15 of them didn’t ratify the ERA by June 30, 1982: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, and Virginia (https://www.equalrightsamendment.org/faq). ​​​​​​​

The chart above shows that 15 states never ratified, 5 states ratified but rescinded before the deadline, 26 states ratified but assented to the deadline as one of the express terms of their ratifications, 30 states rushed to ratify after it was sent to the states, and 11 states ratified in the actual deadline time set by Congress (http://www.phyllisschlafly.com/stopera/).