Support ERA

Women's Rights & The ERA: Supporting the ERA

Supporting The ERA

The constitution didn’t flat out state that the rights that are protected are held equally by citizens. The only true equal right confirmed is the right to vote. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia that the Constitution,, does not protect against sex discrimination (reported in California Lawyer, January 2011).Without the ERA women (and sometimesmen) have to fight difficult legal battles in an effort to prove that their rights are equal to those of the opposite gender.

States That Approved the ERA

Alaska,California,Colorado,Delaware,Hawaii,Idaho,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Maryland,Massachusetts, Michigan,Nebraska,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New York,Pennsylvania,                                                Rhode Island,Tennessee,Texas,WestVirginia, Wisconsin,Connecticut,Minnesota,New Mexico,Oregon,South,Dakota,Vermont,Washington,Wyomin,Maine,Montana,Ohio, has ratified the ERA

Why the ERA was Important

 The ERA isn’t only a wave feminism. It’s still necessary today,that equal rights should be expressed within the constitution. The ERA was important to people because all they wanted was equal rights and men and women fought very hard to try and be noticed, just for the opinion to pushed to the side, but yet some states still noticing it. Being compared to the other gender when only trying to achieve goals, but the other gender is known for doing it better, is another reason people just wanted the ERA it be passed.

Timeline of Women's Rights in Idaho